It is almost Thanksgiving. This year, it can feel like there is not a great deal to be thankful for. 2020 has been a difficult year for many, many people. These are the times that we more than ever have to be aware of that which we need to be grateful for! When we stop to focus on what we are grateful for this actually allows us to relax and de-stress, which is so necessary.
If you are reading this column, that means that you are alive. Start with that. This is no small thing. Every day, to wake up and be grateful that you did. If you are healthy enough to then get out of bed and get yourself food, be grateful that you are both able to get up and that you have food. Be grateful that you have shelter. These are so basic, yet so often overlooked. If you are privileged enough to not to have to worry about those basic needs, be grateful for that.
If you have good friends or family, be grateful that you have love and support in your life. Be grateful for the clear sky or the rain or the wind or whatever weather pattern you enjoy. Be grateful that you do not have a fire next door. Be grateful that you have nature that you can access. Be grateful for being part of a community. Be grateful for being able to access information and to allow your mind to expand. Be grateful for having resources. Be grateful for having time and space for being grateful.
At this moment, I am grateful that I am sitting in a lovely home, with food in my stomach, a dog next to me, while I listen to music and type this column. I am grateful for all of those who read it. I am grateful that I am able to be here in this moment.
Be grateful.