Black lives matter. A common response to that statement is that all lives matter. That is, of course, true. But right now there is a group that needs more attention and care from our country and from the world. This particular group has not been treated as if they matter.
It is difficult to understand what it is like to be a person of color, someone who is an oppressed or diminished community unless that is your reality. Can you imagine driving down the street, not doing anything wrong, not breaking the speed limit, just driving your car, which you worked hard to pay for and the police pull you over? This happens to my nephew, who is African American, all the time. He drives a nice car. He drives in the neighborhood that he lives in. He is doing nothing wrong! Yet he gets pulled over because it is assumed that he has no good reason to be there.
Now imagine that as you walk down the street, that people look at you with fear, even though you aren’t doing anything. You are merely walking down a street. Imagine that every time that you open your mouth, that you are deemed as less than, that your words are not as important as your colleagues.
Yes, of course all lives matter. But not all lives are treated the same. This is not about trashing anyone. I have the utmost admiration for most cops and other first responders. It is an incredibly difficult job that most do very well. This is about educating people as to what is going on and that it is time that we all need to change. All lives matter; some of those lives need more attention right now.
Black lives matter. Please educate yourself. Ask questions. Taking care of one group does not mean denigrating a different group. We want everyone to be treated with respect. No matter their color, sexual orientation, ability or anything that makes them different from you.
Yes, all lives matter. But right now, it is time to focus on Black Lives Matter.