(714) 879-5868, ext. 5
Michelle Gottlieb Psy.D., MFT, LPCC
Individual, Couple and Family Therapy
Resolving issues from your past that block your future

Here I share with you some of the most useful books and resources in the field of psychotherapy. To buy any of these books through Amazon.com, simply follow the links from the titles or cover pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

bookCovBalance & Change : A Journey
Life is full of challenges. Our biggest is to achieve a healthy balance in our lives. It can be very difficult to make the changes needed in order to live that healthy balance. As Michelle Gottlieb, Psy.D., MFT, a noted psychotherapist, realized in her work with her clients, it helps to enter into a dialog with someone. By doing so, it is easier to process the “blocks” that prevent us from achieving that balance. Michelle has created this book to help you overcome your blocks.

As you write your responses to Michelle’s musings, you will see that you are growing and changing. As you continue the journey, you will find that you have achieved a balance in your life.

Life is a voyage. It helps to have good people to talk with along the way. Michelle is opening up a dialog with you to help you along your path. As Michelle says, “Enjoy the journey!”


gettingPastYourPast_covGetting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy
Whether we’ve experienced small setbacks or major traumas, we are all influenced by memories and experiences we may not remember or don’t fully understand. Getting Past Your Past offers practical procedures that demystify the human condition and empower readers looking to achieve real change.


Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think (Book)
Developed by two master clinicians with extensive experience in cognitive therapy treatment and training, this popular workbook shows readers how to improve their lives using cognitive therapy/m-/one of the most effective and widely practiced forms of psychotherapy.


Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems (Book)
Mindfulness is a powerful way to relieve stress, anxiety and other issues in our busy lives. This is a very readable book that can get you started with mindful meditation.


Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain (Book)
A wonderful book for anyone struggling with chronic pain.


Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain (CD)
This cd is very helpful to help control your chronic pain, but please read the instructions. There are some people that this is not appropriate for.



EMDR : The Breakthrough Therapy
This is an excellent book that introduces what EMDR is and how it works. I strongly recommend it for anyone who is considering EMDR.


0688041140.01.tzzzzzzzDr. Weisinger’s Anger Workout Book
This is a wonderful book for anyone who needs help dealing with their anger and finding ways to express it appropriately.




It will Never happen to me
Claudia Black has many important things to say for anyone struggling with the issues of being an adult child of alcoholic.



0684801280.01.tzzzzzzzDriven to Distraction : Recognizing and Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood
This book is a great resource for anyone dealing with ADD/ADHD, either for an adult or a child.



1572242140.01.tzzzzzzzThe Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook
This book does a great job leading you step by step in ways to reduce your stress level. Something that we can all use in this stress-filled world that we live in.

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(714) 879-5868, Ext 5

Mar 5 - Believe in Yourself
Some days are hard. Some are good. That is the reality of the world.  But the real question is how do you maintain your equilibrium if your world keeps changing? This is an important thing for all of us to work on. If every time something happens that is bad, or even sort of bad, you cannot fall apart. If the only time you are happy is when something good happens, this is also not good.
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Feb 19 - Be Kind
Be cordial. Be kind. Be tactful. None of these are difficult concepts. We are taught them when we are young. Our pre-school teachers made sure that we followed these rules when we were but 2 or 3. And yet, many people appear to have forgotten these very simple rules.
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Balance and Change: A Journey by Dr. Michelle Gottlieb
Life is full of challenges. Our biggest is to achieve a healthy balance in our lives.

It can be very difficult to make the changes needed in order to live that healthy balance. It helps to enter into a dialog with someone. By doing so, it is easier to process the "blocks" that prevent us from achieving that balance. Dr. Michelle Gottlieb has created this book to help you overcome your blocks.
Order Book Here

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