October 2012
Change. It happens. Look around you. The seasons are changing. It is not as warm as it was. Change. It is happening to us. Our bodies do not react the way we are used to any more. Change. It happens to our children. Our babies are now taller than we are. Change. People die and people are born.
Whether we like it or not, change happens. We have no control over it. We have no choice. The one thing that you can count on is that change happens. What you do have control over is how you deal with it. Your children are going to grow up. You can fight it and deny it and pretend that they are still babies or you can celebrate every milestone that they hit and encourage them to grow some more.
You are going to age. You can pretend that you are not and get every kind of plastic surgery available and keep dying your hair until it falls out. Or you can accept the wrinkles and the grey along with the wisdom that you have acquired over the years of living.
People are going to die. You can accept it and mourn them and celebrate the gifts of love that you received from them. Or you can act as if it never happened and, therefore, you will never be able to pass those lessons on to the next generation.
Change will happen. We can deny it, or we can grow from it. What is your choice?