It is time to give thanks. Wait, before you panic and start thinking about how to cook a turkey, stop! Seriously, stop. Sit down. Take a deep breath. Look around where you are right now and find three things that you are thankful for. Perhaps music is playing. Be thankful that you can hear it. Be thankful for the tunes that make you smile and tap your foot. Perhaps you can look out your window. Be thankful that your eyes work. Be thankful for the clouds and trees and flowers. Be thankful for the beautiful sunrise or sunset. Perhaps you have to run after a child. Be thankful for legs that work. Be thankful for that child. Be thankful for your health and the child’s health.
There are so many things in our world, big and small that we do not stop to actually say thanks for. Everything from nature to relationships, to just the texture of our sheets that feel so soft and smooth next to our skin. Be thankful that you have food on your table. Be thankful for a smile.
We rarely stop and truly appreciate all that we have. And we have so much. Large and small. You enjoy your life much more when you focus on appreciation rather than “if only”.
My challenge to you this holiday season: stop. Now. Stop. Look around. And appreciate.
Happy Thanksgiving!