February 2006
Valentine’s Day can be a minefield. There are so many expectations heaped on that one day. The way that the media, the card companies and the florists play up Valentine’s makes it seem that if you do not pledge your love in an outlandish fashion, then you obviously do not really love your partner.
Now, do not get me wrong, I like Valentine’s. I am a sucker for romance, but romance can mean many different things to different people. So, as I have said in this column in various ways, do not assume that you know what your partner wants. Ask your partner what romance and Valentine’s means to him or her. Perhaps it is the big heart full of candy. Or perhaps it is a walk on the beach. Or sipping a glass of wine in front of the fireplace. Or perhaps help cleaning up the kitchen.
I have another idea. Perhaps you and your partner can make a tradition of your own for Valentine’s Day. Again, It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but simply that you put the kids to bed and have some time by yourself without the television on. Just talking while holding hands.
It is important to let your partner know how much you love him or her, not just on February 14th but every day. Don’t wait. It may too late. But when you tell your partner, make sure to tell him or her in a way that is meaningful, not ordered by Hallmark! Enjoy the 14th and everyday!