I saw a commercial the other day that stated that there was no limit to what you can achieve. I beg to differ. There are limits. Many of the limits are put on us from the outside. I will never be a professional basketball player. I am short and female.
However, those are not the limitations that I want to discuss today. We place limits on ourselves. We state, “I cannot”. Those beliefs do more to block us than any outside roadblock. We do not believe that we are capable. We do not believe that we have skills. We do not believe that someone of our age, sex, religion, eye color, whatever, can do what is being discussed.
But what if that is not accurate? For instance, I said that I was too short to play in the NBA. However, Muggsy Bogues, who played for several NBA teams from 1987-2001, was only 5’ 3”, which is my height! Be careful of assumptions that we make!
Focus for a minute on what you want to do. Ask yourself, honestly, what outside forces are stopping from achieving that goal. Challenge yourself to see if those are real limitations. (Remember Muggsy!) Now, ask yourself what are those interior forces that are stopping you. Do you need more education or training? Do you need motivation or drive? Do you need to believe in yourself more?
I am curious. If you truly believed in yourself, what would your limits be? Find out! Push and challenge yourself! You might well become much more than you ever expected!