I am writing this on May 19th. You may wonder why I keep putting the date on these articles. The reason is that I want you to be aware of when I am writing these articles. Information and guidelines are changing daily. If I write something that fits guidelines today, it may be very out of date by the time it gets printed. These changing guidelines are very difficult for many people.
We feel better when we can depend on things. When something has a rule that is followed every single time. We know that if we drop a pen that it will fall to the ground every single time. Not every third time, it will suddenly start floating upwards.
There are so many things that are out of our control during this time. We cannot be sure of we will be able to buy all the things that are on our shopping lists. We do not know if we have to wear our masks everywhere and in every situation. We do not know if it is safe today to go to a restaurant. Or not.
And that is the crux of this situation. We feel out of control and not safe. We are not sure what the rules are that will increase that sense of safety and control. The people that we normally look to for good information may not be have the most thorough knowledge. We are no longer sure whom we can trust to get what we need in order to feel safe.
So, stop. Right now. Take a deep breath. Be aware of what you can control. One thing is that simple breath that you just took. Take another. One more. All of that was under your control. There are many things that you can control. Some are simple such as what clothes that you are wearing. Some may be more profound, like choosing when to return to your office. But the more that you are mindful of what you actually can control increases that feeling of safety. Research different sites and see who you feel gives credible information, Make sure that you choose a site where their opinions are based on science, not “My neighbor just told me that his cousin heard from some dude on the TV that (fill in the cure of the day)”.
Go slow. Have compassion for yourself and others. This is a difficult time. But it will pass. Stay safe!