(714) 879-5868, ext. 5
Michelle Gottlieb Psy.D., MFT, LPCC
Individual, Couple and Family Therapy
Resolving issues from your past that block your future

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Serenity Prayer

I love this prayer and talk to my clients about it all the time!

Are you familiar with the Serenity Prayer? It is full of wisdom. Here it is, in case you do not know it:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

You do not need to believe in a higher power to take in these words of wisdom. When there are things that you cannot change, truly cannot change, having the serenity of acceptance is vital. Keeping on struggling against something that is irrefutable is like banging your head against a brick wall. It does nothing but bring you pain.

Those things that you can change, have the courage to do so. If changes are necessary and possible, it can take a great deal of courage to do so. Make sure that you have support and tools in order to make those changes.

Being able to tell what can be changed and what cannot is crucial. Putting your energy into what is possible is a much better use than struggling with that which is impossible.

So, as you go about your day, please remember these words. And, as always, enjoy your journey!

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