August 2008
School is starting. Remember that feeling of the beginning of the year? A combination of fear, thrill, excitement and hope. Not knowing what will happen but hopeful that it will be good.
As adults, we typically do not have that feeling unless we are starting a new job or moving out of the area. Children get to experience this once a year. It is a powerful sensation: the idea that you have a fresh new start. What a wonderful idea, a fresh new start. How many of us are desperate for that?
Children are forced to have this every year, but perhaps we adults should follow this model as well. What in your life do you need a fresh new start on? Do you need to look at your relationship differently? Do you need to refresh your parenting style? Does your house need to be cleaned? Perhaps you need to get some different friends. Or you need a new hobby.
We can get stagnant. We can be going along in the same rut forever and not be happy. We, like our children, can start anew. It is not too late. It is never too late. Where are you stuck? See what you need to change. It is September; time to start again! You can make the changes that you want.
And don’t forget to enjoy the journey!