It is very easy to get overwhelmed, especially in today’s age of emails and texts coming in non-stop. We all seem to think that we must immediately respond to everything! We all need to watch all of the 24-hour coverage of everything! We all need to get everything done every day, no matter what!!
Stop. This is crazy making. And it is impossible. We cannot do it all. It is not healthy for us. When we try, we usually start making mistakes and stressing ourselves out. So, stop! With working from home becoming the norm for more and more people, we do not have the same separation of work and home. We need to create one. Decide what your work time is. What time do you start reading and responding to emails and texts? What time do you stop? Do not let this cut in to your family and self-care time.
If you spend more time looking at a screen than you do to your family’s faces, stop! Look at each other. Talk to each other. Pay attention. Give hugs. We need face time that is not related to an app! We need touch. Play a game that is not on a screen. Take a walk. Make a healthy meal together. Actually enjoy being with each other. If you know more about the people that you follow on Instagram than you do your family members, it is time to reassess!
We need to unplug and take time for ourselves. Whether that is a soothing bath or reading a book or petting a puppy, stop! Take the time. When you begin to stop and take that time, it allows you to relax. It allows your body to unwind. It actually makes your productivity increase, as well as the quality of your work improve.
So, stop! So that you can begin in a healthy manner.