(714) 879-5868, ext. 5
Michelle Gottlieb Psy.D., MFT, LPCC
Individual, Couple and Family Therapy
Resolving issues from your past that block your future

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When is the last time that you took some time to stop, to step away, to simply be? Most of us never give ourselves that time and space. We all have so many things to do: jobs, chores, kids, family. And if we ever do take a breath, we then pick up our phones and start looking at social media!

It is important to truly step away. It is so easy to get overwhelmed in the world today. Information is coming at us 24/7. Faster than it ever has in all of human history. And along with that, comes the expectation that we must move equally fast!

But we are not designed to move so fast, to go non-stop. Older traditions recognized this and built in breaks during the day or during the week. Studies have shown that employees are more productive if given more time off.

So, the question that I have for you: when is the last time that you stopped? Put down your phone? Sat in nature? Just breathed? Try it, if only for 15 minutes a day. With no social media or screens of any type! Notice what this does for you. How it allows you to actually get more done because you stopped. You may need to practice this for awhile until it feels comfortable. But that is okay. Aren’t you worth 15 minutes per day?!

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