May 2005
Thank you. What an important phrase and one that is not said often enough. Now, we, hopefully, teach our children manners. We teach them to say thank you and you’re welcome and please. But do we teach them to mean it?
How often have we said thank you as someone has done something for us, but we have just tossed off the phrase so that it has no meaning at all? We say it because we are supposed to, we have been taught to, it is the proper thing, but there is no meaning behind it.
Or, worse yet, we do not say thank you at all. We simply take what has been offered without any acknowledgment. We take it because it is our right to have things perhaps. Or perhaps we weren’t taught manners. Or we do not appreciate what was given to us.
No one has to do anything for us or give us anything. So, the next time someone helps us out or does a service for us, say thank you. Mean it. Appreciate the service. It feels good to be recognized. It feels good to recognize. Thanks you’s only help.
Thank you for listening. Now, enjoy the journey.