Happy holidays! Okay, I get it, not a lot of joy this year. I can hear you now, “What joy? What holidays? We can’t do anything the way that we always do it! What about our traditions? I want to see my family!!” I totally get it. This year is hard. And weird. And different. But we can still find a way for an emotionally healthy holiday.
I have spoken in years past about creating traditions that truly fit you and your family and not to get caught up in the commercialism of the season. This year gives you even more incentive to create new traditions. This is the time to stop and think about what is really important to you during the holidays. Is it about gifts? This year, more than ever, think about what gift giving means. If you are not struggling financially, perhaps you do not need gifts. Perhaps you can share with others by donating to a food bank or an organization that helps frontline workers or families that are struggling? Then receive the warm feelings of being able to help others. If you are struggling financially and you feel strongly about giving gifts, give the gift or time or service. If you have an elder on your list, offer to mow their lawn or call and talk with them.
If your tradition is about spending time with those you love, you can still do so. It will just look different. Meet with various people via Zoom. Talk, play a game, watch a movie together, cook something together. You can still lift a glass and make a toast. Enjoy just hanging out.
Make sure to decorate. Make sure to have food that means the holidays to you. Make sure to stop and appreciate what you do have. Often a complaint that I hear is that there is not enough time to get everything done, that the holidays are over and I never got a chance to appreciate any of it. Perhaps that is the gift of COVID to us this year. There will not be all of the normal craziness. Perhaps, this year, we can all slow down and truly appreciate what we have, we can truly appreciate what this time of the year means, we can truly appreciate those that we love. Happy holidays everyone! And please, stay healthy!