Life changes. Nothing stays the same. We see this in nature, with erosion, with flowers blooming, with fruit becoming ready for harvest. We see this with our own children where almost every day there is a new skill learned, another advance, another inch of height!
We need to remember this for ourselves. Whatever we are experiencing today will change. Whatever pain that is going on in our lives is only at this moment. Tomorrow will bring something different. It may be better; it may not be. But it will change.
Whatever joy that we are experiencing is only right now. Take it in and appreciate it since there is no promise that tomorrow will bring you more joy. Whatever your day has brought you, it is temporary. The saying “This too shall pass” is a profound one. Appreciate what is front of you right now. Learn from it. Become more resilient because of it. Become a better human. Do not drown in it. Tomorrow will bring you something different.
And always always, enjoy the journey!