I am tired today. Nothing is wrong, I just have been doing a lot, and I need to slow down. And I literally mean that. When I am this tired, I very mindfully need to remind myself to slooowwww down. I walk slower. I type slower. I move slower. I even speak slower. By doing this, it allows me to recover my energy and my excitement for living.
What do you do when you are tired? Do you even that notice that you are tired? Do you know the signs of when you have been doing too much? Some people get sick. Some people get grumpy. What are your signs? The first step is to notice.
The second step is to know what helps you to recharge yourself. Do you need to go to sleep earlier? Eat healthy food? Curl up with a good book or play a game or binge watch something mindless? Do you need to be in nature? Pet a puppy? Get a hug from someone you love? All of these are options, as well as so many more. The important thing is that you know what works for you. If you are not sure, try different things until you find what you like.
The third step is to do what you figured out to do! Now, doing it without guilt is even better. It is okay to take care of yourself. In fact, by taking care of yourself, it allows you to do the rest of your life! So, what will you do today to revitalize yourself? Me? I am moving slowly!