One of the most frustrating things as an adult is knowing that even though we may want something, now may not be the right time to get it. This applies to big and little things such as spending money, relationships, having children even eating and drinking.
Children and teens struggle with delay of gratification (the technical term for this) because of brain and social development. We understand that a three-year-old may have a tantrum when told that she may not have a cookie before dinner. However, adults also struggle. We all want what we want when we want it. Adults can also have tantrums; they just look different when an adult does it. There may still be yelling; it often is longer and involves more colorful language.
Hopefully, when we allow our adult brain to take charge, we can realize that the right thing is to wait. Or perhaps even to say no completely to something that we want. It is not easy. And, yes, even adults can pout when we do not get what we want.
So, before you jump into something that you want, stop and let your adult brain have some time to make the correct decision for you. Then allow yourself to pout. Then go back to being an adult, making good decisions! The end result is often so much more gratifying. And healthy!