Do you know what helps you to keep your balance, your mental health, your well-being? It is an important question that many cannot answer. It is not just what makes you happy. It is more than that. What is it that soothes your soul? This is something that everyone must find their own answer.
The first answer for many may be your spirituality, which may be involved with organized religion, but may not be. Having a connection to something bigger than you often brings peace. That something bigger may be to a deity; it may also be to nature. It really doesn’t matter what your connection is, as long as you have one. Being in a house of worship or in a cathedral made of trees are both beautiful and meaningful places to connect to more.
For some people, it is being with those that they love. Holding your child. Hearing their laughter. That may the most soul-soothing experience that you can imagine. For some, it may be the connection to their pets.
It may be gazing at stars or listening to beautiful music or yoga or the high experienced during a run. It may occur for some during meditation. It may be seeing the ocean and hearing the waves. It may be being in the mountain and being in awe of the trees.
There is no right or wrong answer. There is only your answer. What is crucial is that you regularly engage in whatever it is for you so that your soul is soothed. Please, for the sake of your well-being, engage in some soul-soothing today!