2021. Boy, are we ready for you! We are all heartily sick of 2020! How many times have you heard that sentiment expressed? However, I want to warn you to have realistic expectations. January 1, 2021 will not dawn with the entire world set back to “normal”. We are still in the middle of the pandemic, albeit, with vaccines now being distributed. These vaccines do not magically make everything all better, especially if you have not yet received yours. Even after you have, you still can transmit the virus. We still need to wear masks, wash hands, and socially distant as it appears that we will not all be vaccinated until the summer.
Given that reality, how do you want to make 2021 better and different than 2020? I would like to see this new year a time of coming together. We have had enough of division. We need to find common ground, things that we can agree on. We need to learn to, once again, treat each other with kindness and respect, even if we disagree.
We need to create lives that incorporate the lessons that were learned in 2020. Many people have had the opportunity to change their priorities of what is truly important, which may not be material goods. Instead, it may be the ability to hang out with friends, to hug our relatives, to simply be with each other.
My wish for you for 2021 is to work together to create a healthy community for all of us!