When we ask someone how they are and they respond with, “Gosh, actually things are not good,” we then inquire about what happened, what made things bad. However, when we ask that same question, and response is, “I am happy; life is good!” we just let that go. We rarely explore what is making someone happy.
It is important that we know why we are happy, what created that dynamic within us. The most important reason why we need to do so is so that we can re-create those dynamics when we are not feeling so good! We often spend a great deal of time exploring why we are unhappy. But what if we spent an equal amount of time of exploring why we are happy? Imagine the difference in our lives if we knew, with some detail, what makes us happy, joyous, at peace? Then, when we have had bad days, we can pull that list out and begin to put those activities or actions into play. Rather than dwelling in the negatives, we can stay in the positives.
This is not to say that there are not things in our lives that do not need to be worked on or fixed, but that there is more to our lives than those negative things. We need to be able to see ourselves and our lives more three dimensionally.
As you continue your journey, notice what causes you grief. But also notice what creates joy!