One of the things that clinicians will often do to help our clients find peace is to ask them to think about a place that feels safe and calm to them. Probably at least 95% of the time that place is some place in nature, either the beach or the mountains. There are reasons for this.
Being in nature brings us back to core values. It can make clear what is truly important to us. It literally grounds us. It is not a coincidence that we call it Mother Nature. Nature is the place that we can go to that soothes our soul. That we can dig our toes into the dirt or sand, that we can feel the sunlight and wind on our faces. It is the place where it does not matter how much money we make or what kind of car we drive, but instead we can just be. We can stop and feel. Feel what is happening internally and externally. We can be held by our Mother Earth and stop and be healed.
When is the last time that you went out in nature and allowed your senses to take over? To see, smell, hear, touch, taste what is around you? Not worrying about what you are supposed to do, but simply stopped. When we allow ourselves the time and space to do so, our lives can get very simple. And calm.
Start with five minutes. Just go outside. Look at the trees or the water or the flowers or grass. Listen to the birds or the wind. Smell the flowers. Just be in nature for 5 minutes. If you start to think about everything that you need to do, stop. Remind yourself that you will get to it in less than 5 minutes. But right now, just be in nature. Notice how you feel calmer and more peaceful.
Give yourself this gift. You deserve it.