Ah, blank piece of paper. Blank screen. No words. Deadline coming up. Think brain, think. I need to come up with some profound piece of writing. I need something that will make readers think and reflect and make healthy choices. What to write about today? Relationships? Done that. Taking time to appreciate their lives? Been there. What is something new and different? I have no clue! What should I do? I know, I will ask friends!
And that is what I did. And I then decided to write about that process. There are times when we do not have the answers or the words or know what to do. Remember, we are not alone. There are many things we can do to help guide us. You can do what I did, which is reach out to family and friends. Ask people who have similar values as you, who will speak truth to you. People whom you trust to have your best interests in mind, rather than some ulterior motive.
If you have a spiritual belief, that can often guide you into a direction that will work for you. Ask your pastor, rabbi or imam. Read your scriptures or holy words. Pray. Listen for answers.
Ask a teacher or mentor or sponsor, someone who has been down the path that you are struggling on now, how they handled this issue. If you are struggling with a parenting issue, ask the other parents in your child’s class. Ask a medical doctor. Of course, you can always seek out a psychotherapist and work on the deeper issues that are keeping you stuck.
Meditate. Sit in nature. Just stop and tune into your own inner truth.
The bottom-line is that we all have many resources, internal and external, that can help us and guide us and allow us to make healthy choices. And, in my case, allow me to write a column! Thanks for being with me on my journey today!