Life can be hard sometimes. It can feel like no matter what you do, nothing goes your way. It can feel like everything that you touch, fails. We all have been through times in our lives that are like that. No one has a life that always goes smoothly and beautifully, no matter what they post on Facebook.
The key to these times of our lives is to know that this period will not last forever, if we keep pushing through. If you just stop and stay in that spot, then things will not change. You need to keep moving forward. You need to keep striving. Moving forward when things are good is easy. It takes much more strength and courage to keep putting one foot in front of the other when things are hard. Make a plan of action and stick with it. Every day stand up and do things on that plan. Every day know that you are slowly moving out of the hole that you have been in. Sometimes you need to take it on faith that things are moving forward since you may not see the results right away. But nothing is wasted. You may be in the process of learning something or building up your resilience, but you are still not wasting time. Keep moving forward.
Because this is a difficult process, be sure to nurture yourself. Exercise, meditate, eat healthy foods, reach out to others who will support your life changes and your healthy new way of doing things. Let them support you when you cannot support yourself. But balance the nurturing time with the working time. Do not only self-nurture. Most of your time needs to be on moving forward.
You can do this. You will do this. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. One minute at a time. One moment at a time. Then one day, you will look up and see what you have accomplished. You will look back and see how far you have come. Just don’t stop moving!